Tree Planting Drones for Reforesting

Twenty-six million acres of Australia burned in the latest fires that swept the continent. large tracts of the Amazon have gone up in flames lately. In the united states, a mean of seven million acres burn every year, up from 2.7 million acres back in the 1990s. And here's the even greater disturbing news: it will worsen. Thanks to the climate crisis, now not only are huge fires set to become more frequent, but thanks to the intensity of the burns, they're set to get more destructive too. The result might be millions of acres of scorched earth topped with forests struggling to develop again.

One startup is using the latest tech to help mother nature get better more quickly. Washington-based DroneSeed was founded by serial entrepreneur Grant Canary after he left his previous startup, also within the sustainability area. Seeking out a way to have a positive impact on climate change, he prototyped a handful of ideas, all of which went precisely nowhere. Feeling discouraged, he complained to a pal in a bar about his problems, only to have his buddy jokingly respond, "I guess you'll just have to plant trees then."

A light bulb went off, Canary tells How are forests replanted after a blaze, he wondered, and could an entrepreneur armed with the cutting-edge tech do it more effectively?

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From, Feb 27, 2020

source: DroneSeed

source: DroneSeed

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